And we know it. Well, this week is about to end and I'm swamped in work. Have not had time to 'think' much. It's just that when one lives in one's head the whole thing gets confuse sometimes. I've been having really interesting phone conversations with you. When you consider something to be 'fun' you can be really engaging.
And that is one of your drawbacks, I guess. You are so afraid of missing out the most fun/more exciting/cooler thing/person that you cannot focus on the people and things you have gathered around you. And then you blame us for not being all that. And start all over again. I can't rememer being like that. Or is it that time gives us some kind of poetic license to re-arrange and edit events?
In any case, I think that what I have learned from you is that even though there is no day but today, there are so many things and people that I can enjoy every day that choosing is difficult. Maybe that's why I'm just taking things as they come, without thinking, without the 'what if...?' that seems to afflict you. And I'm enjoying myself and others more.
And it feels good....
See you around, babyboy.